Today is

Monday, April 25, 2011

Time Management

Most of people, especially in the working and studying sector, find it hard to manage their time. They often wish to extend their working hours just to finish their work or ask their professors to move the due date of their project. These people really find it hard to also please their superiors or teachers. But is the problem is through the lack of time or is it how these people spent their time well. Admit it or not, all of us are not perfect in managing our time and the idea of time management is not part of our everyday routine. And by that, this is the right chance to see how valuable the time management is.

What is Time?

Time is everywhere. It is hanging on the wall, placed in every mobile phones and personal computers, and grasping on your wrist. But is it really the time means? Time, in broader view is also the measurement on how the day will be well spent. Most of the people use the daily planners and schedules to keep their appointment in harmony and fixed. In fact, the planners are not only used in writing all the appointments but in keeping the person plan for his next appointment.

Philosophy of Time Management

The concept of time management is to use it properly, not to stare at it. Historically, the time is invented since ancient times to help the people tell when to start and to stop their work. In general, the idea of time management is within the proper use of it (Levinson, 2004). Accomplishing the work or the assignment in given time will create a good impact in their working habits. It is because a well managed time leads to well managed work.

Poor Time Management

There are instances that an individual creates trouble of time which is natural. There are ranges of valid reason why does it happen, such as family emergency or getting sick during the available days. But if the trouble often happens, it is the person that has the problem – not the time.

Habitual tardiness is one of the many clues to identify the poor time management. This behavior will lead to low productivity and negative efficiency (Prusak, 1997). The tardiness might root form the event happened in his or her life for the past days. Both employees and students might be caught in between their work and peers. We cannot say that peers are bad influence or the main reason why an individual feels tardy and not meeting the given requirements. It is the person who let his focus lost and hangs out with his friends. He must remember that if his friends are true, they will surely understand the complicated situation he is facing right now. He can ask their help if he really wants to be with them and then, when all the things are done they can freely go.

There are chances that a person forgets to accomplish his tasks and became irritable because of the pressure he receives. If a person feels pressure, the ideas and his focus drive in the other way and sometimes loss because he seriously thinks about the worst case scenario as a result of his work. In accordance to this, if a person achieved to finish the work, the judgment over it is not that high because the attention and allotted time is not wisely used. The superiors are very familiar with the mistakes and they might reject your work if the time is not well spent.

There is no such thing as “I don’t have time”, all of us has their own time but not all of us used it wisely. For the others time should be well spent, especially if it is in the matter of life and death. But the idea of taking much time and spending it well is still enclosed in the time allotted for the one you love.

The Essence of Time Management

Time management is more about identifying the true values and goals that are involved in life and making the most use of the time to achieve the possible ends. The goals and values needed have to find its purpose. The concentration in doing the work requires adopting new attitudes and behaviors in keeping the time management in alignment.

A person can cast away the problem in time management if he or she gets to focus in doing the work done and targets a good outcome. An individual must learn when to say “no” for some reasons because it might affect his overall performance.

Works Consulted:

Levinson, M., (2004). Time-Binding Time: A History of Time-Measurement and Time-Management in America. ETC Journal: A Review of General Semantics, Vol. 61, No.1.

Prusak, K., (1997). Meeting the Core Requirements through Efficient Time Management. The Journal of Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Vol. 68, No. 9.

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