Today is

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Business Plan

Market analysis

Our target market is student not only in our school also from other schools like Maktab Duli, Nursing College, Cosmopolitan College and etc. We really focus on students as our magazine is mainly for students needs.


Our direct competitors is 743 masterpiece, which they do the web advertising while our indirect competitors are Sunlit advertising, buyer’s guide, Tamu trader and etc

SWOT Analysis

· Strengths

We have the skills and experiences in doing this job. It gives us a big opportunity to expose it to the real world of advertising.

· Weakness

We don’t have the resources like printing machine which we have to pay again at the shop to print out our own magazine and also we have no experience at all in operating a real business.

· Opportunities

Imply what we learnt from business school. To be able to develop better skills in advertising and also in operating a real business. Lastly, to be able to expand the business furthermore.

· Threats

Our direct competitor is 743 masterpiece and indirect competitors are sunlit advertising, buyer’s guide, tamu trader and etc.

Market research

To analyze the market research, we use the primary data and secondary data to conduct the market research.

Primary data is the name given to data that are used for the specific purpose for which they were collected. They will contain no unknown quantities in respect of method of collection, accuracy of measurements or which members of the population were investigated. Sources of primary data are either censuses or samples and both of these are described in the following sections.

Secondary data is the name given to data that are being used for some purpose other than that for which they were originally collected.

1 comment:

  1. Business planes put forward for the success of the people. The terms ND visits of the for all items. The term is done for the flow other offered items for the humans.
