Today is

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Abortion is removal of fetus, a developing people who are in the embryonic stage, from uterus, the organ of mother that baby develops in. In other words, it is killing unwanted baby by taken it out from the womb of its mother. Especially, nowadays abortion is used by many couples who don’t know how to protect and kill their babies due to just their ignorance. I am totally disagreeing with the use of abortion because it is a real suicide and not even really necessary, because with the developing in technology and science, there are now many projecting ways. So, why do people kill their babies in vain? because, they do not know the protecting ways. With the education of the folk we can solve this problem and stop committing suicide. Similar, as another bad effect abortion causes many people especially mothers become depressive after they had aborted their babies.

As I before said abortion is a suicide, if we consider the development of a baby, we can understand better why it is a crime. Just after the fecundation, baby’s cells begin to occur by constantly division. In the 6th week the heart begins to pump the blood through the cells. In the 7th week of the pregnancy, arms and legs become visible and nervous system occurs completely. In the 8th week the baby begins to move and all of the organs occurred. As you see even in the 6th week of the pregnancy, the baby’s organs occurred and it becomes a real human. Thus, if we kill that baby, it means we kill a human. You can think that what people who are raped and fall pregnancy should do? Should they abort their child or they give birth even though they do not want to? As I mentioned earlier nowadays technology and science are improving so fast and even after a woman fall pregnancy she can hinder fertilization via using pills or some other devices. Similarly, fertilization does not occur just after the intercourse and pills can stop it. So, no one needs abortion.

As another fact, abortion is an expensive process and nowadays many people are spending so much money for just killing their poor babies. For instance, in Belgium approximately 11 million people live. Even in Belgium more then 20,000 people abort their babies each year. In another words, more then 20 million dollars are spent just in vain. Then, why don’t we just spend this money to educate people and teach them the protecting ways. So, we would not need abortion and kill our babies. Or we can build schools or factories and develop our county and make our world better to live by using that money for more beneficial things like helping our brothers who are going to die due to their hunger.

Also, abortion affects many people’s especially women’s thoughts and psychologies. Think about yourselves, would you be able to look at your death baby after you abort it. I think the answer is no for most the people, I can not even look at a death baby’s photo. Majority of women become depressive and sad after they abort their children, because when they have sexual intercourse, they do not think about occurring baby and just have sex without considering it. However, when they learn they fall pregnant, since they have to get rid of the baby, they just abort it. Nevertheless, later on they feel sad and terrible, when they remember the thing that they get rid of were their baby and a human just like them. Similarly, abortion also has some physical effects such as catching septicemia, uremia, endometrial illnesses, perimetritis and some other illnesses that are related to ovaries and the other genitals. Even dying because of losing much blood is possible during abortion.

Similarly, if we examine abortion as ethical values, we can see that it is accepted as a bad and sorrowful thing by most of the people. As a research I made a public survey about abortion. As the results, % 85 of the participants said that people should be educated and learn the protecting ways. So, the rate of using abortion would decrease. Similarly, % 60 of the participants stated that they are totally against abortion and % 18 said it should not be used unless it is very necessary. As we understand from the survey besides the fact that nowadays abortion is used so much by the couples who are married and does not want to have a baby; in fact most of the people supports that the ignorant people ought to be educated about protecting ways and similarly the generality are totally against it. Also, the developed states take precautions about that issue and restrict the using it by the laws. For instance, in Turkey after 10th week of pregnancies, babies can not be aborted and to do that, women must be at least 19 years old. As another fact that most of the religions such as Islam, Christianity and Judaism etc. prohibit abortion and accept it as a useless and harmful deed and similarly a suicide. For instance in Islam birth control and family planning are advised to couples. However, on the other hand abortion is banned.

Last but not least, I think abortion is nothing but suicide of babies in vain. As I before said even though there are many protecting ways and even a raped woman can hinder the fertilization via using pills or other devices, why do we still kill our poor babies? It is just because of our imprudence and ignorance. If we do not want to have a baby, why don’t we take the precautions earlier, before it is too late? Other ways, how can we look at their faces, when we meet with them? Could we answer them, when they ask us why did we kill them? If you think you can not reply them, please do not kill them in vain. They are our babies, not someone else.


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