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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Business Environment of Ryanair


Every business venture needs to establish their own characteristics and profiles from their competitors. That is why every organization established their own unique mission and vision statements and key objectives to satisfy their goal. Moreover, business organizations usually set their mission, vision, and objectives in the purpose of serving the society, as well as benefitting the community throughout their business cycle. When it comes to airlines, the determination of the demands, tastes and preferences of the people are still valid. The opinions of every people around the organization are also important to create a just and comprehensive strategy.


The main mission of every airline is to deliver the safety of their passenger, but how did the Ryanair attract the tourists and other individuals to travel is because of their undertaking to make air travel the most simple, convenient and inexpensive form of transportation in the world. The idea of low cost airlines are based on the idea and probably demands of the people to fly more often if the expenses is not that high or affordable for everyone.

Engaging in the low cost strategy is to fly mostly to and from airports that are not necessarily the busiest place which is also referred as the secondary airports. Ryanair proved that operating in the secondary airports is cheaper than the bigger major airports and also less complicated to make a maneuver on their aircraft. And with this strategic approach, Ryanair is the most suggested airlines when it comes to low-cost marketing.


Ryanair has a vision of a world where the fare could drop to lower rates to bring the steady traffic of business people and tourists to their region. Their concept is not new in every airlines and their vision only underpins their mission. The broader vision in building an effective business and push on the tourism is more applicable (de Puget, 2003). Bringing the fares down is not a common action on the airline business especially in the monopolistic type that usually pushes the fees up. It’s a major challenge for the Ryanair to sustain their mission and yet with accordance of their vision in promoting tourism.

Key Objective

Ryanair’s goals and objective is to be the Europe’s largest airline. And how will they achieve this objective is depends on how tight the relationship of the organization toward their stakeholders. The organization uses the opinions of the most powerful stakeholders to shape your strategy and tactics at an early stage.

Ryanair Airlines also managed to gain support from their key stakeholders and winning their favor to make their plans possible. It is part of the organizational culture to understand the importance of each stakeholder and the benefits they might realize in working with them. And in a broader sense, anticipating the people’s reaction in their project may be build a strong relationship and winning their support.

Influence of the Stakeholders

Ryanair’s Stakeholders are given much attention and priority in terms of their opinions and decisions in handling the business. The stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest in an organization’s ability to deliver intended results and maintain the viability of its products and services.

The marketing strategy of the Ryanair had been critically assessed by its stakeholders and formed a market busting strategy that made the entire organization of the Ryanair that made them one of the premier airlines in Europe. Aside from the low cost and secondary airports offered by the organization, there are other business approaches that Ryanair applied to fill up some of their losses.

The no-frills methodology used by the Ryanair has also improved the efficiency and productivity. The traditional flight services like seat allocation, complimentary drinks and meals, and free newspapers have been eliminated. Instead, Ryanair exchanged it with charging the services they offered to the customers for in-flight services and other travel expenses such as travel insurance (Dhalla, 2009). Ryanair’s cost advantage are very significant and other low-cost operations began to emerge and pushing the traditional way of offering services.

Corporate Responsibilities

Ryanair Airlines and other airlines that falls in the category in servicing the people through the use of aircraft, has always been responsible in delivering the tourists and the other individuals to their point of destination with full of satisfaction. The customer satisfaction is not only based on the affordability of the flying tickets but also on the experience that the airlines will leave to the clients especially when they are first-time flyers.


de Puget, V., 2003. French Accent – Ryanair Slow on Emotion, Issue 20 Oct. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 Dec 2009].

Dhalla, M., 2009. Ryanair MarketBuster. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 Dec 2009].

Other Sources:

Leading Strategically Through Effective Vision and Mission. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 Dec 2009].

Ryanair, (n.d.). What is Low Cost? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 02 Dec 2009].

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