Today is

Monday, December 27, 2010




· Motivate people in the cell that has not been to an encounter to attend the encounter weekend.

· Prepare testimonies of people in the cell who have attended the previous encounter.

· Give specific number of people to attend the encounter. (Note: If there is only 5 people in the cell, the cell leader must goal 7 delegates to attend in order to complete his/her 12.)

· Teach Pre-encounter lessons to delegates.

· Help raise finances for cell member.

· Attend the incubation to be prepared to minister at the encounter.


· Schedule Prayer and Fasting for all the leaders as spiritual preparation.

· Monitor that all member are undergoing Pre-Encounter.


· Clear their schedule for the Encounter Weekend.

· Pay the registration for the encounter.

· Finish the Pre-Encounter.

Suggestions and Tips for your preparation

1. Make sure there is nothing standing in the way for the anointing to flow, whether it be among the team members and their spouses, their disciples and yourself. This will give them the authority needed for them to have the anointing required.

2. Make a final account of who is ministering or helping and do not allow any one to come to minister just because you need one more person and be sure everyone was able to attend the incubation; this is very important. It is better to be short a person than to bring some one who is not ready.

3. Once the preparation has been done the best way possible, loosen the team to minister the best way they know how and tell them not to worry about making mistakes or about the results. It is good that they are aware of the seriousness and importance of the need and the desired results; but now it is time to concentrate on doing it and not to worry about results.

As you do the ministering freely and allow the anointing to come the results will follow, this will be The Holy Spirit’s responsibility. This is crucial specially during the time the encounter is taking place, if the team does not see apparent results they might loose heart and start to get impatience and up tight; Thus frustrating themselves and then minister in the flesh not in the Spirit.

4. Make sure the team is in the Spirit at all times and instruct them that when they are not imparting they are still part of the team and thus they should:

a) Be intrinsically involved, watching like eagles to see to it “that no foul bird” may come and steal the word and the work of the Holy Spirit that is being impart during that time.

b) Support one another in every way and at all times minister together as a team and do not allow the enemy to come between you and distract the team.

Please be aware the enemy will come to try to disrupt the encounter and it will not be by the attendees but by trying to come through the team and through false finding and accusations, so please be aware and do not allow the enemy to have his way.

Make it clear to the team that there will be no discussion of any failure at the encounter and that concerns of that kind if any, will be addressed after. Give the team your full support and express to them that you will not second-guess them, but that they are responsible before God for what they impart as coming from Him.

5. It is important that every team member is in total submission to authority or the enemy will find out and will use it against the entire team.

6. The beginning session will set the tone for the rest of the encounter, so it is important that you arrest the will of the people, get the people’ permission to minister to them and their commitment to the encounter, stressing the benefits if they do and then making it clear as to who is in charge there, The Holy Spirit and His representatives there, meaning the team. Ask the people what goal they have for the encounter and if they do not have one give them one.

7. Give the people a real choice that if any one wants to leave let them go, this in turn will give the team the authority to go into the people’s life and the enemy’s territory and take back the souls of the people attending. Nevertheless do not make that offer to generous or open.

8. Very important. Communicate to the encounter attendees all of you are their friends not just their leaders and that you are there to really help them in any possible way, It does not mean in terms of getting them more comfortable but in terms of looking out for them and being there for them.

Last but not least, go for it; you will have good successes because God is with you, this is your time in God’s timing.

If you wish you can pass a copy of this memo or parts of it to the team

Pastor Richard Santiago

M.C.I. Bogotรก, Colombia.


Suggestions for a better breakdown and use of time during preparation:


The coordinator must share prophetic words for the encounter to the team of guides.

Coordinate fasting and prayer to include all the team members.

Now the LORD had said to Abram: “Get out of your

country, From your family And from your father’s

house, To a land that I will show you. I will make

you a great nation; I will bless you And make

your name great; And you shall be a blessing. I will

bless those who bless you, And I will curse him

who curses you; And in you all the families of the

earth shall be blessed.” (Genesis 12:1-3)

Verse to memorize

“And I will make you a great nation; and I will bless

you, and make your name great; and you shall

be a blessing.” (Genesis 12:2)


To make the guides understand the importance of their responsibility, so that they are successful in their task.


Are you sure of your calling?

A calling is a gift from God for each one of His children. Abraham was not seeking a call, but it pleased God to reveal Himself to him and to call him.


Though the call to Abraham came directly from God, it was up to him to believe it, obey it and respond to it.

1. We find some interesting aspects in Abraham’s life about how he responded to the call.

2. Immediate obedience. He did not wait for weeks or months, but he immediately responded to the divine call.

3. Total obedience. Abraham obeyed every word that the Lord revealed to him.

4. Genuine faith. The faith of Abraham was as pure as a child’s, he never doubted any of the words God gave him.

5. Perseverance. Abraham did not look at the circumstances, but believed that God would be faithful in what He had promised to do.


It pleases God. God was so pleased with Abraham’s response to each one of the tests that He put him through, that He decided to establish an intimate relationship with him.

It made the promise of God real in life.

Abraham became a friend of God. God established His covenant with him, and all his descendants. He then received the anointing for multiplication.

(Genesis 17:1-6)


Just as Abraham believed Jehovah and it was counted to him for righteousness so every guide should believe God, be sure of his calling and respond faithfully to it.


Minister to the guides, leading them through every point explained above and to value and take their calling to lead the people of God.



The guides share the word from God for that encounter.

Define specific objectives.

Prayer and spiritual warfare for the encounter.

“To grant us that we, being delivered from the hand of our enemies, might serve Him without fear, in holiness and righteousness before Him, all the days of our life.” (Luke 1:74-75)


To teach every guide to value holiness and to remain holy as a key to seeing God’s power in their lives.


What benefits does a holy life bring?

To be holy is to have been chosen and set apart by God before the foundation of the world. God chose us for His service and He does not share us with anything or anyone.

The benefit that a holy life brings is that God will be able to use you. In Judges 13:25 God sanctified Samson that he would be full of the Spirit of God enabling him to deliver the people of Israel.


1. Chosen by God in times of crisis

2. Is given supernatural strength

3. Boundaries are set to maintain his integrity

4. Is given the task to bring freedom to the people of Israel.


1. Excessive confidence in the flesh

2. Playing with temptation

3. Excessive self confidence

4. Being unequally yoked with an unbeliever

5. Giving in to pressure from other people see judges 15 and 16.


· You become a slave of your enemies

· You completely lose the vision of God

· You are mocked and ridiculed

· You suffer slander and are treated badly

· You die


1. Genuine repentance

2. Plead for God’s favor

3. Ask for the renewal of the anointing

4. Commit to accomplish your task faithfully.


Samson, though he was the strongest man in the world, did not care about his relationship with God, and this brought his destruction. Every believer, no matter how strong spiritually, exposes himself to the same potential disaster as Samson if he is not careful to continually walk with God.


During the ministry time we should lead the guides to examine themselves, recognise their failures and in a simple way ask the Lord to forgive, restore and renew their relationship with Him.


Delegate responsibilities.

Assign guides for the encounter and delegate their responsibilities.

“The righteous should choose his friends carefully, for the way of the wicked leads them astray”

(Proverbs 12:26).

Verse to memorize

“For as many as led by the Spirit of God, these are sons of God” (Romans 8:14).


To motivate the guide to carry out his task with all the diligence that the work of God demands.


What does it mean to be a guide?

“However, when He, the spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth; for He will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come.”

(John 16:13)

To be a guide is to be a representative of Jesus on earth. It is to communicate faithfully the message that has been assigned, to be a watchman and warn concerning the future. To be a person under authority. As Romans 13:1 says: “Let every soul be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and the authorities that exist are appointed by God.”


A guide should be well balanced and properly prepared.

On a spiritual level he should know the Bible and study it in depth. He should have a strong relationship with God through prayer and fasting.

On a personal level he should excel in everything he does and promote unity within the team.


· The correct attitude always comes as a result of being in God’s presence.

· Has a humble and serving attitude.

“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

· Allows God to take and mould his life.

· Has authority because of the transparency of his ways.

· Treats everyone equally, with no preferences.

· Identifies himself with the suffering of other people.


The guide’s work should be done with excellence and discipline, as it will help the spiritual growth of those who attend the Encounter.


During the ministry time lead the guides to reflect on every aspect of this teaching and lead them into a radical commitment to serve with excellence.


Prayer of intercession for specific areas.

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.”

(John 15:13).

Verse to memorize

“And when Jesus went out He saw a great multitude; and He was moved with compassion for them and healed their sick”

(Matthew 14:14)


To make the guide understand the importance of knowing the desire of God’s heart, which is to save the lost because of His great love and compassion.


What is love with compassion?


Jesus gave us the example of real love by giving, His life in our place, showing God’s love for humanity through the cross.

God gives all His love without reservation. According to Matthew 14:14 Jesus had compassion on the multitude, He understood their needs and made every effort to meet them.

Compassion makes us like Jesus who has compassion for people and meet their needs.


It is the desire of God’s heart.

“So I sought for a man among them that should make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one”

(Ezekiel 22:30).

It is a commandment.

“These things I command you, that you love one another”

(John 15:17).


· Understanding man’s condition without God.

· Putting ourselves in someone else’s place.

· Feeling a burden for the needs of another.

· Crying out with all our heart for mercy.

As the prophet Daniel did – In chapter 9 – when he turned to God in prayer and supplication, identifying with the sins of the people, as if he had sinned, and then confessing them before God, and pleading for forgiveness, the favour and divine mercy.


Jesus gave us the example of the greatest love and compassion. These were the reasons why He came into the world. In the same way, we should make every effort to follow Him and fulfill His commandments.


During the ministry time, acknowledge the hardness in our hearts to the needs of others and ask for real love and divine compassion.


“Then the Spirit of the Lord will come upon you, and you will prophecy with them and be turned into another man.”

(1 Samuel 10:6)


To teach every guide to depend completely on the Holy Spirit for every task that is assigned to them.


What does it mean to depend on the Holy Spirit?

To depend on the Holy Spirit means:

1. To trust and be dependent totally on him

2. Complete surrender of our life

3. Be sensitive to His voice

4. Immediate obedience


“I, the Lord, search the heart, I try the mind, even to give every man according to his ways, and according to the fruit of his doings.” (Jeremiah 17:10)

We can see in this verse four aspects that would help us to be lead by the Holy Spirit.

1. Let Him search your mind through His Word

2. Stay firm in the midst of trials

3. Remain in the right path without deviating.

4. Permanently bear fruit in the ministry allotted to us.


If we want complete success in everything we do, we should depend totally on the Holy Spirit. As the Lord told us through the prophet Zechariah: “Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit, says the Lord of hosts.” (Zechariah 4:6)


Let there be a complete surrender of our lives to the Holy Spirit, renouncing any blockage – whether fears, insecurities, complexes, traumas or sins – let the Holy Spirit fill every area of our lives.



You prepare yourself for a month to minister for 3 days…..

Jesus will prepare each person for eternity……



The team is formed by a group of guides, whom are responsible for the encounter, they are:

Spiritual Guide, Coordinator and a minimum of 8 guides.

This team must prepare for 1 or 2 months in which the are ministered to, and they will minister to the assisting group through every theme, this team must be supportive answering questions, counselling and sharing love and friendship.

Duration of the Encounter

From Friday 7:00 p.m. to Sunday 7:00 p.m.


· During the encounter weekend no one is allowed to leave the place.

· It is strictly masculine or feminine, never mixed. (Meaning more freedom in ministering)

· People going to the encounter must receive the respective discipleship and be prepared to receive from God.

· Nobody must be forced to go, there must be a total freedom.

Let all things be done decently and in order. 1 Corinthians 14:40


(The spiritual guide is the maximum authority at the encounter if the pastor is not present)

The spiritual guide must take care of the following functions:

- Minister to the team (coordinators and guides)

- Correct all themes for the guides

- Must be present at all times during the encounter

- Minister to the ushers

- Observe and make sure all ministry is properly done, and correct if necessary, being sensitive to the voice of the Holy Spirit

- Direct and conduct the general deliverance, making sure that all aspects are covered, fulfilling the purpose of the encounter

- Promote teamwork, being friendly and showing respect

- Do not show any signs of pride

- Do not abuse authority by using personal concepts during the encounter

- Do not establish more rules than those set out for this encounter

- Do not discriminate against or show preference to any team member

Remember, your example will make way for either a greater or lesser anointing.

“Demetrius hath good report of all men, and of the truth itself: yea, and we also bear record; and ye know that our record is true….. 3 John 12

For not he that commendeth himself is approved, but whom the Lord commendeth.

2 Corinthians 10:18

b. The Coordinator

The coordinator’s responsibilities are:

- To carry out, or delegate every detail of the encounter. Instructed by the spiritual guide, and in full consultation and agreement; the coordinator is responsible for all arrangements, reservations, sleeping quarters, meals arrangements, pictures tacking and correspondence to the Encounter attendees.

- The guides will take direction from and will cooperate in all matters with the coordinator in the absence of the spiritual guide.

- The spiritual guide and the coordinator will work in full close consultation to make sure all is taken care of and that all is going well for the encounter preparation.

- To ensure all is ready, the coordinator himself or herself will visit the encounter place, to inspect the facilities, make sure it is big enough; and that it fulfill the expectations of the spiritual guide and or the pastor, will make sure a T.V. or LCD, VCR as well as music equipment is available and tried, making sure it works.

- The coordinator will delegate on other people to get the picture taken and develop in time for delivery. The coordinator will make sure the Nails are present at the time of ministry.

- The coordinator will delegate on a person to be in charge of the background music needed for ministry making sure the music match the topics.

The coordinator must observe the following:

Administrative Area:

Goal: to plan, organize and supervise all activities, delegating, respectively, to all guides.

Responsible for the success of the encounter, so must establish the following parameters:

- Must observe all objectives of the program

- Must hold meetings weekly with the team (4_minimum 8 maximum)

- Every guide must have at least 8 people ready for the encounter. If the guide does not have a minimum of 8 people, he or she cannot be a guide at the encounter

- The guide must disciple every person going in the encounter using Pre-encounter material

The coordinator must evaluate every person who is going to the encounter with respect to these activities

- Delegated responsibilities must be supervised constantly

- Must chooses a serving team

- Must delegate the topics to the guides; he or she must know the objectives for the encounter.

- Must remind the team that the labor continues after the encounter, monitoring the delegates that came to the encounter, as well as the guides.

Spiritual Area:

Goal: prepare the spiritual atmosphere for the encounter, both personally and as a team.

- Ask God for specific words for the encounter, share those words with the team, resulting in stronger authority and security in their preparation

- Ask the team to pray, fast and do spiritual warfare for the encounter

- Prepare the team, intellectually and spiritually (follow suggested themes)

- Instruct intercession teams, and ask for support

- Promote team work

- Pray for unity and Holiness in the team

- Pray specifically for a minimum of one hour for: sensitivity to the Holy Ghost, preparation of hearts. Do Spiritual warfare against all opposition during preparation for and deliverance in the encounter

- Loose all promises of God and proclaim victory in the encounter

- Every guide must pray specifically for the encounter

- Fast and pray during all preparations


The team is Gods instrument to minister in the encounter and must be in tune. Everyone must know their responsibilities and function in order for the encounter to succeed.

Spiritual Guide:

Generate and take care of the spiritual atmosphere among the team members and during the encounter.


Coordinate all activities in the encounter, spiritually and administratively, using this material as the model.


Must observe all requirements established for this encounter, using this material as the model.

“ Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. “ 1 Corinthians 12:4


“And whoever wants to be first must be your slave, just as the Son of Man did not some to be served, but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many”…… Matthew 20:27/28

The team chosen for service must attend all meeting for incubation and have clearly understood the following points:

· Service is a privilege – not a burden

· Must be done with love because it is for God

· Must understand their submission to the leadership in charge

· Work must be distributed equally among all members of the team

· Must respect the rest of the team

Intercession :

“But if they had stood in my council, they would have proclaimed my words to my people and would have turned them from their evil ways and from their evil deeds “

Jeremiah 23: 22

· The team must be formed by 2 leaders (who must understand the importance of this labor)

· Must assist at all meetings

· The people needed as support team are physical worker such as cooks, baby setters, background music sound person, T.V.-B.C.R. operator, cleaners. Tissue and water or drinks person.

· They must observe the following:

- As this type of work is very important and they must be completely dedicated to it

- Must respect the rest of the team

- Must know all themes and the times of meetings for intercession


Encounter ministry Schedule


5:30-6:30 Check-In

· Assign Rooms

· Give them time to drop off their things and have them return immediately to the ministry area

6:30-7:30 “What do you expect?” 3 Questions

· Have each attendee come up one at a time and answer three questions in front of the group.

· 1. Your Name?

· 2. When did you really start living for Jesus?

· 3. What are you expecting God to do in your life at the encounter?

· Have all three questions typed out to be put on the podium

7:30-7:45 Guides and Spiritual Coordinator (answer same questions)

· Introduce the guides and the spiritual coordinator

· All should answer the same three questions as the attendees (Question #3. What they are expecting God to do in the lives of the attendees at the encounter)

· Put attendees in their small groups and let them get acquainted with each other for about 5 min

7:45-8:20 What is an Encounter” – Teaching, Welcome and Rules

8:20-8:30 Worship

8:30-9:00 “What do you desire?” Teaching

9:00-9:45 Dinner

· Have attendees eat dinner with their small groups

9:45-10:00 “Discovering a Treasure for you (bible)”

10:00-11:15 Movie – “The Crossing”

· After the movie minister about the crucifixion. This is not a teaching, but an experience. Use clips of the Passion and nails, etc.

Ministry Time: After watching the clips of the passion have the delegates kneel down facing their chair. Encourage them to talk to Jesus and to share whatever is in their heart. (The teacher read some verses about the cross.) After a while ask if anyone has not totally given their life to Jesus or in need of prayer to raise their hand. Direct the guide to pray for those who raised their hand. After that, pray for the remaining delegates. Give them nail as a symbol of Gods forgiveness through the cross (option: You can encourage them to place the nail in their palm so that they may somehow feel the pain Christ has gone through. You can end it by having the Lord Supper.)

· After the ministry is silent night. Explain to the group that no one talks. Their options for the night are to go to bed, read their bible, or pray. This is a night of reflection

*Give Spiritual Profiles to each attendee and ask that they bring them completed in the morning.


6:00-7:00 Wake Up Call

7:00-7:15 Devotional (Walk them through a devotional time)

7:15-7:30 Worship

7:30-8:30 “Hero of Heroes”

8:30-9:00 Breakfast

· Attendees must eat with their small group

9:00-10:00 “Made in His Image”

· Minister in small groups

· Allow each attendee to share and pray for each one.

10:00-11:00 Name badges (Three Questions)

· Call one group up at a time with their leader and have each person in the group answer three questions

· 1. Your Name?

· 2. What has the Lord done in your life so far at the encounter?

· 3. What are you expecting the Lord to do in the rest of the encounter?

· Have all three questions typed out to be put on the podium

· After each person answers the questions the group leader puts the attendees name badge around their neck

11:00-11:15 Pictures

· Each small group takes a picture with their group leader, the spiritual coordinator, and the pastor.

· Take large group photo

11:15-12:30 “Restoring Family Unity/Offences”

· Inform the attendees that during the teaching they are to write down the names of those they need to forgive.

· The guide stands in front of the delegates representing the people that offended them. One by one they will go to the delegates asking for forgiveness as the delegate extend their forgiveness.

· Small group ministry

12:30-2:15 Lunch

· Attendees must eat with their small group

2:15-2:30 Worship

2:30-3:30 “The Revelation of the Cross”

· Have attendees extend their hands (forming a cross). Let them turn around and walk one step signifying going THROUGH THE CROSS leaving the old man behind.

3:30-3:45 Break

3:45-5:45 “Deliverance”

· After the teaching have the attendees get in their small groups

· Have the attendees repeat the prayer of renouncement after you

· Have them cry out for deliverance

· Pray through the fourteen root spirits, casting them out and taking authority

· Have leaders pray deliverance over their group members

· Make sure that every attendee is delivered

5:45-6:45 Dinner

· Attendees must eat with their small group

6:45-7:45 “The Prodigal”

· After the lesson show them the movie clip father and son

· After the movie clip have the leaders stand at the front and invite the attendees to come forward and get a hug from the father

7:45-9:15 Agape Celebration (burn profiles, Party, Drama)

· Tear up profiles

· Each group presents a drama about defeating the devil or about something that happened at the encounter

11:00 Lights Out.

* All attendees must go to bed


6:00-7:00 Wake Up Call

7:00-7:15 Devotional (walk them through a devotional time)

7:15-7:25 Worship

7:25-8:10 “Christ, the New Man”/ “Social Life”

8:10-8:45 Breakfast

8:45-9:45 “Sexuality (courtship for singles)” Separate into Singles and Married

· Married teaching focus on the sexual relationship.

· Singles teaching focus on the beauty of sexuality in marriage and the dangers of pre marital sex.

9:45-10:30 “Media” Video – “Spirit of Python”

10:30-11:00 “Devotional”

· Call all attendees to a commitment in their devotional lives.

· Call all who are willing to make a covenant with the Lord for devotions every morning or no food.

11:00-11:30 “Finances”

11:30-12:30 Lunch and Break

12:30-12:45 Worship

12:45-1:30 “Christian Vocation” My Job as a Christian

· Put a clip board on the cross with the sign up sheet for the post encounter.

· Invite the attendees to come forward and sign up for the post encounter

1:30-2:30 “The Holy Spirit”

· After the teaching get into small groups

· Lead the group in prayer asking Jesus to baptise them in the Holy Spirit (Have them repeat the prayer after you)

· Have them be quite and listen to the Holy Spirit

· After a few minutes have them speak out in faith the words that the Holy Spirit is giving them

· Ask if anyone needs help praying and minister to everyone

2:30-2:45 Break

2:45-3:45 Celebration Service

· One hour service for attendees, family, and friends.

· Lively worship, message on salvation, testimonies, and altar call.

· Service should be lively, upbeat and fun. Capitalize on the power of the testimonies and the word for salvation.

Fourteen root spirits (Use in deliverance)

A. The Bible specifically mentions fourteen “spirits of.” These are root spirits that gain entrance through generational curses or traumatic experiences.

B. The fourteen root spirits are listed below:

1. Spirit of infirmity (Luke 13:11,16)

· Sickness in the body

2. Spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7)

· Anxiety, fear of failure, nightmare, fear of abandonment, worry

3. Spirit of whoredom/idolatry (Hosea 4:12)

· Adultery, lust, incest, pornography, seduction, masturbation, molestation, rape, all sexual sin.

4. Spirit of perverseness (Isaiah 19:14)

· Polygamy, homosexuality, sexual deviation, false teaching, false doctrine (anything that is twisted)

5. Deaf/dumb spirit (Mark 9:25-27)

· Insanity, schizophrenia, seizure, deafness, madness (mental illness)

6. Lying spirit (2 Corinthians 18:22)

· Deception, exaggeration, hypocrisy

7. Spirit of error (1 John 4:6)

· Immaturity, doubt, confusion, unbelief

8. Spirit of divination (Acts 16:16-18)

· Independent spirit, witchcraft, rebellion, drug use

9. Spirit of bondage (Romans 8:15)

· Addiction

10. Spirit of Pride (Proverbs 16:18-19)

· Egotism, prejudice, vanity, self righteous, stubbornness, controlling spirit, overbearing, superiority.

11. Spirit of Antichrist (1 John 4:3)

· Opposes the bible, opposes Christ, atheism, against Christianity.

12. Spirit of heaviness/Depression (Isaiah 61:3)

· Loneliness, depress, shame, sadness, self pity, gloominess

13. Spirit of jealousy (Numbers 5:14)

· Anger, wrath, rage, coveting other things.

14. Spirit of sleep/slumber (Romans 11:8)

· Procrastination, fatigue, passivity, tendency to draw back from life.


Lord Jesus Christ, I believe that You are the Son of God and that You are the only way to God. I believe that You died on the cross for my sins and rose again from the dead.

I give up all my rebellion and independence, my pride and self-centeredness, my harbouring of rejection and inferiority, and my bitterness and unforgiveness. I give up all my sin and submit myself to You.

I confess all my sins before You and ask for Your forgiveness. Release me now from the power of the enemy of my soul.

By a decision of my will, I forgive all who have harmed me or wronged me, just as I want You to forgive me. In particular, I forgive…

Lord Jesus, I believe that on the cross You paid the price for me to have a life of victory and freedom. I receive Your gift of deliverance now.

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