Today is

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Marketing Management

Search Engine: Google

It is not new to this generation being fueled with knowledge provided by the computer. With just a click on different server and being connected to the Internet, a person can definitely search different information without the hassle of searching pages through pages. Most of the search engines offer additional services where an individual can shop or purchase a product without the difficulty in being in the middle of the crowd. The transaction is also through the use of the internet accounts and most of the time, the people who shop through online gain the more advantage in promoting the new product. This marketing strategy is popular in most of the search engines and one of the most successful search engines is the Google Company.

The organization started their success in a way where everybody anticipates the help of the internet and their action drives the entire company into their success. Traditionally, most of the search engine serves only as a full time online library, where everyone can view and contribute their ideas and knowledge. The continuous change in cultural and social aspect is due to the changes and improvement of the technology. Although there are many limitations in extracting the right information from the false is still in the matter of the company’s strategy to deliver only the best for their consumer. The search engine also manages to acquire a right technology to prevent any sites that might wreck the entire system or to avoid the entry of the unnecessary sites in peer viewing.

Recently, the company also introduces a new invention where the people can access different photos true another search engine. It has an accessibility function such as uploading the photos where everybody can also have the right to use it. But the main success of the company came from their initiatives in adopting the marketing management and advertising-based model.

The search engine is pushing their limitations and therefore, succeeded in their choice in utilizing the Internet. Many companies, such as social networking, attempted to follow the success of the company in adopting the unique marketing management of the Google. The marketing ideas of the company generate most of the company’s revenues and it is still effective, since the consumers sought different purchasing convenience and advantages.

Marketing Strategy

The marketing strategy of Google has been proven effective and appropriate in the nature of the business. The advertisers use the advantage of Internet to reach the different parts of the world. On the other hand, the consumers has a main purpose on purchasing the products online to save time as well as money especially when the business that offers the product they want is miles away.

The marketing strategy of the company is benefitted faster than of the printed marketing or televised marketing. It is for the reason that the company doesn’t offer any airtimes and as long that there is an interested, potential or loyal consumer that usually took a peak on different ads, another round of dollars were entered in their financial chest.

The recession has not nor has a little impact on the company but they were not pushed to create an action to close all their system. In fact, the company offers additional position for their corporation. They even posted on the web their need for the product marketing manager who can establish a good quality of marketing strategy, assessment, and continuous improvement for the next years.

Accordingly, the success of the search engine is trademark for all the internet-based system. But no one else does it better than of the Google. And most of the business propellers believed that the online marketing has a great advantage and leaving them with so much promise, especially when the business is a large and it aims to attract the foreign market.

Further Recommendations

The use of the marketing strategy of the company which is the advertising is still winning the profits. The marketing theory of most of the companies is based on different approach on consumer behavior. But the company has nothing to do with the production point to selling point of the business they only provide the best position for the other product-based companies to offer their products in a vast range. It is a good idea and the originality is still under their name. The thing is, due to the tight competition in the marketplace and interactive industry, the company needs to seek other things or innovations to gain the continuous competitive advantage.

Works Cited:

Maurer, S., Howe, V., & Lee, T., 1992. Organizational Recruiting as Marketing Management: an Interdisciplinary Study of Engineering Graduates. Personnel Psychology, Vol. 45.

Radder, L., 1996. The Marketign Practices of Independent Fashion Retailers: Evidence from South Africa. Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 34.

Shama, A., 1993. Marketing Strategies during Recession: A Comparison of Small and Large Firms. Journal of Small Business Management, Vol. 31.

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