Today is

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Is my mom ever going to wake up today? The bowl downstairs is empty and I’m starving. It seems like she is never on the same schedule. I guess I’ll just have to jump on her and walk all over until she gets up. Most the time when she gets up, she starts jumping around to something on the TV with the music blaring. She must be doing some kind of exercise. Nothing that I would want to do! After that she showers and gets ready for the day.

She is out the door to either school or work, most likely both. She goes to work at Bridges Golf Course. She has been working there for five years now and enjoys it, but knows that’s not what she wants to do forever. I always listen to her and it seems to me that she doesn’t know what she wants to do with her life. One day I hear here talking about teaching young ones, the next day I hear talking about needles, blood and medicine. When will that lady ever decide? One thing she is sure about is having kids and lots of them. She really does love kids. Her and her boyfriend will get married soon and start a family. I hope they still pay attention to me when that time comes. I also hear her boyfriend telling her that she should sell this awesome condo I live in to move to Wausau. He’s got something good going there. I know mom doesn’t like that idea, the small town kind of stuff. She’s been a city girl her whole life and that would be a big change. This place I live in is constantly crazy. Football Sundays especially! She has these packer parties and wow do they get crazy. All I hear is people cheering at the TV or yelling because Brett threw an interception. One thing I do like about the company coming over is the chicken that they sneak me. Yummy! Sure better than that hard food. Her two roommates are nice to me too. Mom is usually gone on the weekends visiting her boyfriend, so the roomies keep me company and keep my belly full.

If my mom isn’t busy with school and work, she finds herself liking many things. She loves to read, exercise, play golf, play volleyball, and yes she loves to clean her house. She loves watching College and Pro Football. She loves Brett Favre. She loves to shop too. The best place to hide when she is mad at me is her closet. She enjoys hanging out with friends and family. She loves every moment she gets to spend with those very special people in her life. She loves the beach and hopes to retire on one. She has a huge heart and loves to help people around her. I very rarely see a frown on her face. She lives life to the fullest. She believes that smiling makes you beautiful! She hates it when people get worked up over nothing. She loves to tell family and friends to not sweat the small stuff in life. She has told herself that plenty of times too. She dislikes spiders, snakes and all those other ugly looking creatures. She also really dislikes people that lie to her. I’m sure there’s much more likes and dislikes, but that’s all I got for now. MEOW (:

She is looking forward to this class and hopes to learn a lot about the medical language! She can’t wait to get started. (:

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