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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Organizational Knowledge and Practice


For an effective firm, gaining the consumer trust is the greatest gift they can get from the people they serve. But to be an effective firm, there are many aspects that they need to consider first. How to be effective is one of the millions questions that play inside an organization but only few caught the secret behind it.

An Organization Practice

The organizational practice and processes has been already standardized. The total quality management or TQM is already applied to gain the company’s competitiveness. Meanwhile the total quality learning or TQL practices are used to increase the organizational knowledge through learning from on-going exploration. An organization that is working under the contribution of knowledge can put this certain best practice towards the control (Simard and Rice, 2002). This kind of practice is focused on innovation and risk-taking conditions of high environmental uncertainty. Any organizations that learn from experience and existing processes can establish routines and exploring of a new breakthrough project.

The recognition is the most important reward for sharing and using organizational knowledge and practice. Any ideas should be first evaluate the quality and its impact toward the success. Furthermore, the employee that seeks to contribute their knowledge can feel job security or job satisfaction but can definitely establish a competitive advantage over the other employee (Simard and Rice, 2002).

The Knowledge Management Process

Knowledge is the most difficult process because the human qualities of knowledge, such as experience and beliefs, are not only the most valuable but difficult to manage (Baskerville and Dulipovici, 2006). A successful knowledge management focuses in the realm of organizational behavior. From the knowledge management, the foundation of creativity, innovation, organizational, learning, organizational memory, and dynamic capability can be established.

The action taken in the knowledge management process begins with the formulation and implementation of strategies that can be used in organizational knowledge or distribution. The strategies might include the basic management functions to monitor and measure the knowledge asset and processes.

Organizational Knowledge

Information embedded in routines and processes which enable action is called organizational knowledge. With this, the quality of ideas residing in an organization is identified, interpreted, and internalized. The implementation of knowledge management is part of certain organizational structures. The ideal organizational knowledge, or for some is also called knowledge organization, can utilize the contributed ideas whenever they need to revise the concept of one project (Baskerville and Dulipovici, 2006). It is more effective when the knowledge begun from top to bottom where there is an existence of communication.


Effectiveness can be achieved by meeting the demands came from the consumers, organization or in the department where an employee is working for. Meeting the deadlines or the product quality is another form of effectiveness and productivity. These behaviors are important and desirable for an organization to achieve positive results such as more effective communication that allows best practices to be shared among the team (DeGroot and Brownlee, 2006).

Organizing communication means organizing the knowledge and practice and an organization that promotes this kind of practice can increase effectiveness through increased productivity, proper utilization of resources, or increased organizational flexibility. Practicing the communication positively affect organizationally desirable outcomes which in turn must have positive effect on organizational effectiveness.

Discussion and Conclusion

For a firm like the Johnson & Johnson that served many individuals in entire globe, effectiveness is already in their pocket and to keep it is another topic. Company’s effectiveness is not only based on the consumer satisfaction but also in employee satisfaction. As long as their employee feel the job security and motivated in their field of work, the whole process will be clear. The fact that the organizational behavior plays a small room inside the company effectiveness is another strategy to keep the progress.

Organizational behavior promotes communication – and communication promotes knowledge. In return, the organizational knowledge established the organizational behavior as part of the everyday company routine. The ideas or knowledge that every individual contribute is valued by the firm. All the ideas are examined well and after the successful adaptation, another legacy is left behind that can be used for the next year or product simulation.

Organizational practice on the other hand, is a form of routine or standardized action which is always subject for improvement. All the practice involved in making the product is based from the knowledge they learned and organized. With this, the cycle of acquiring the knowledge and applying it is emphasized and cannot be broken as part of the organization’s effectiveness.


Baskerville R., & Dulipovici, A., 2006. The Theoretical Foundations of Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management Research & Practice, Vol. 4, pp. 83-105. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov 2009].

DeGroot, T., & Brownlee, A., 2006. Effect of Department Structure on the Organizational Citizenship Behavior-Department Effectiveness Relationship. Journal of Business Research.

Simard, C., & Rice, R., 2002. The Practice Gap: Barriers to the Diffusion of Best Practices. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 18 Nov 2009]

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