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Thursday, December 23, 2010

SHRM/HRM Models and Theories


Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) is one of the most powerful and influential ideas to have emerged in the field of business and management. It is also applied by some policy makers at governmental level have drawn upon the idea of SHRM to promote a high performance workplaces and human capital management.

SHRM affect how organizations are changed, and how they perform. It also affects how employees are treated, affect security of employment and affect the nature of employment. The influence of SHRM reached even into the deepest ties of individuals relationships. The SHRM’s theories and practices mediate the clashing concepts or idea in human resource. Although SHRM initiatives are frequently presented by the proponents as simply technical matters like the means of improving organizational performance and frequently owe the influence to other affinities.

The SHRM implications involved the contemporary practices, ethics, change management and performance management. From the past literature, SHRM simply assume that senior managers understand and accept the proposals for organizational change, which in exchange, ignoring the own theories within the organizations like understanding the relationship between the proposals for change and organizational effects, and the models of the organization.

Strategic human resource management can be understood in relation to wider political, economic and social movements. In relation to major shifts of ideas and underlying cultural organizational behavior of both managers and workers, the SHRM influence is widely spread.


The difference between SHRM and HRM is that SHRM is strategic and HRM is not, although some researchers suggest that SHRM is actually one of the applications of HRM within an enterprise. The key feature where the two ideas are connected is that they are precisely in approach towards people management.

SHRM deals with organizational performance and systems of practices and HRM deals with a individual employee performance and individual HRM practices. The role of SHRM or HRM is to establish a system of HRM practices that transforms a firm’s employees from commodities that provide negligible competitive advantage and middling work performance to human assets and sustaining the heightened work motivation, expanded job opportunities, and unique skills, knowledge and abilities. When a firm is planning to modify or make a progress of innovation, the best applied strategy is the research-based-review that will definitely be useful to the SHRM/HRM.

Theory Applied to the SHRM/HRM

The human resource management practices basically include the process of recruitment and retention. To provide the further understanding, the Grounded Theory will lead the SHRM/HRM to reach goal of employee recruitment and retention. There are still remains of challenge which is necessary the task of every HR staff, mostly by the manager.

The application of grounded theory provides the recruiters and human resource professionals to have a better understanding in the employment changes. Furthermore, grounded theory was selected as a method of choice to ensure that human resource professionals have the necessary knowledge to retain their organization’s talent. The ground theory allows the development of understanding and providing solid foundation for the information provided to the employees responsible for organizations’ workforces.

Application of Two Models

  1. Guest Model of HRM

This type of model that was introduced by David Guest has six dimensions of analysis for HRM. It summarizes the HRM strategies, HRM practices, HRM outcomes, behavior outcomes, performance outcomes, and financial outcomes. The idea of this model is based on the fundamental elements of the HRM approach, such as commitment that have a direct relationship with valued business consequences.

  1. Compensation and Rewards

On the other hand, the traditional Compensation and Reward system is still evident in the organization. SHRM models have potential for informing the understanding of how organizations design and HRM systems. The compensation and rewards might be use and also be more effective in the employment relationships, strategy, and management that can result for a better understanding on strategic human resource management systems.





Guest Model

From the beginning of recruitment and hiring, it is tested among the employees who can retain in the company. Retainment of the best employees and can create challenge.

The process of formulating laws and regulations can be first tested if it acceptable or not. Then, the applicable policy and implementation can be measured by its effectiveness.

Compensation and Rewards

As a kind of motivational approach, employees can be more competitive

It is not advisable in political aspect because in politics, people are usually motivated through the public service ideology

Works Cited:

Bloom, M., & Milkovich, G., (n.d.). A SHRM Perspective on International Compensation and Reward Systems. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2009].

Kaufman, B., 2007. Theorizing Human Resource Management and the Firm’s Demand for HRM Practices. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2009].

Long, J., et al., 2008. Applications of Grounded Theory in Human Resource Management. Proceedings of ASBBS, Vol. 15, No. 1. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2009].

Salaman, G., Storey, J., & Billsberry, J., 2005. Strategic Human Resource Management: Defining the Field. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 29 October 2009].

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