Today is

Thursday, July 28, 2011

[Research Proposal] Smoking, Drinking and Drugs Abuse among Fourth Year High School Students


Smoking, drinking, and drug abuse creates a great interest in the society and the usual victims are the students. Those students are in the middle of puberty and because of different influential factors, they tend to abuse their freedom. The study has an objective to identify the effects of this abuse and set another push for the prevention strategies. The applied method of the study is the utilization of the comparative case studies that is very beneficial to the current research. The results are very alarming. Because of the reasons that usually involves the family; the student’s traditional aim to finish school is affected. Still, there are educator and organizations that aims to provide the preventive measures to secure the future of the students.


Smoking is dangerous. Drinking is prohibited. And using drugs is big “no”. Most of the adults are aware about their bad habits on smoking, drinking, and using drugs. Most of the adults are behind bars because of the committed crimes from the influence of alcohol and drugs. And most of the adults are lying in the hospital bed because of lung cancer they gained from cigarette smoking. These are the consequences that faced mostly of the adults and the students are not safe under the influence of smoking, alcohol, and drugs.

Background of the Study and Problem Statement

In today, smoking habit is very common to the students. Sometimes, they do it outside the campus. While the others are drinking after the class or worse avoiding classes and joining the peers just to take illegal drugs. The level of morale among students and their focus to study is gradually diminishing. Aside from the common impacts and effects of smoking, drinking, and drug abuse, what are the other significant results of these to the students as well as their status in the future?

Research Objectives

The study identified two important objectives that the study should meet. First is to identify the other effects of the abuse of the students in smoking, drinking, and drugs in their current academic performance. And second is to create a thrust or call to the educational leaders, educators, and other concerned organization to establish a strong program that aims to minimize the impacts of smoking, drinking, and drug abuse.

Research Questions

The study identified important questions that can serve as the engine of the study.

1. What are the clues or hints to describe that a student is under the influence of drugs, alcohol or smoking?

2. What are the common strategies of the educators in preventing the different form of abuse for the students?

3. What are the common reasons of the students that involved in such abusive action?

Literature Review

Like cigarette smoking drinking is also the new trend for the youth. Thus, most of the high school and college students report widespread problems from other students’ drinking. These include, for example, interrupted sleep and study, being insulted or humiliated, having to take care of an inebriated friend or roommate, having a serious quarrel, unwanted sexual advances, being sexually abused or raped, being physically assaulted, and having property damaged. These and other harmful consequences have been found to be highest at campuses with high rates of heavy drinking (Esteban and Schafer, 2005).Alcoholism, problem drinking, and drug addiction are commonly viewed as the problems that arise out of human weakness. The danger of alcohol and other drugs is recognized, but those who develop problems are thought either to have brought it on themselves or to have been unlucky in their genetic inheritance (Bell and Battjes, 2000; Bovet, et al., 2006).


The applied method in the study is the use of the comparative case studies wherein different literature reviews and opinions of the experts are written. The method also allows the study to compare the other results of the past studies, comprehend the evolving issues and then, to generate the studies own in-depth analysis.


Historically, most of the students are involved in different problems such as in family, relationship, peers, and even in studies. To avoid those problems, the students turn into bad habits that instead to make them feel good, turn them into their worse. Because of the lack of attention and feeling that they are being loved the, students felt like they are unappreciated. And most of the youths are in the stage of puberty, the stage where all the changes happens.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Many educational institutions and support groups are educating the students which are risk in having the signs of abusing the drugs, drinking, and smoking. Through the intervention strategies the students are approached to speak about their problem and their weakness. Most of the students are trying to adopt in the environment and covering their own weaknesses which causes a great impact in their idea of smoking, drinking or using drugs. The appropriate monitoring for the students can be the most specific way to understand the changes in their behavior.


Bell, C., & Battjes, R., (2000) “Prevention Research: Deterring Drug Abuse Among Children and Adolescents”. Accessed 17 Feb 2010, from

Bovet, P., Viswanathan, B., Faeh, D., & Warren, W., (2006) “Comparison of Smoking, Drinking and Marijuana Use between Students Present or Absent on the Day of a School-Based Survey”, Journal of School Health, Vol. 76, No. 4.

Esteban, M., & Schafer, W., (2005) “Confronting College Student Drinking: A Campus Case Study”, Californian Journal of Health Promotion, Vol. 3, No. 1. Accessed 17 Feb 2010, from

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