Today is

Monday, August 1, 2011

Why Cleaning Companies Prefer to Take Their Waste to Landfill Other Than Using a Waste Management Company?

Aim: To determine the waste management and responsibilities of the companies and recognize the waste disposal method utilized by the companies to answer the global environmental issues.


The questionnaires are answerable by “yes” or “no”. The participants are allowed to place a cross [x] on the appropriate box of their choice. In addition, the participants should answer the questionnaire based on their perceptions to ensure that the results are unbiased and free of influence coming from other people.

1. As an employee / individual, are you aware about the waste management programs of the companies?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

2. Do you recognize the actions implemented by the companies in fulfilling their responsibilities in environment and the issue of corporate social responsibility?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

3. Do you believe that wastes are properly managed?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

4. Will the inappropriate waste management truly affect the environment?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

5. Is the company followed the government legislation in proper waste management?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

6. Do the wastes in the companies go directly in the sanitary landfills?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

7. If the answer in the above question is “no”, are the wastes of the companies takes the responsibility in facilitating the objectives of 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle)?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

8. If the answer in number 6 is “yes”, are there any necessary actions taken by the company before sending the wastes on landfills?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

9. Do the company monitor the waste generation in their production or services?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

10. Does the company take full responsibility in the proper waste disposal?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

11. If the answer from the above question is “no”, does the government or agencies facilitated necessary actions, such as memorandum or warning, to emphasize the environmental responsibility of the organization?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

12. Does the company set significant efforts in minimizing the production of wastes?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

13. If the answer in the above question is “yes”, are there any changes in the procedures or outcomes in the agenda of minimizing the wastes?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

14. If the answer in number 12 is “no”, does the government or agencies facilitated necessary actions, such as memorandum or warning, to emphasize the environmental responsibility of the organization?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

15. Is there any current or present actions done by the government or environmental agencies/organizations, such as setting the new waste management legislation for the companies?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

16. In your opinion, are the waste management actions of the company affects the profitability or performance of the company?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

17. Does the waste management program in the company really exist?

[ ] Yes [ ] No

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