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Thursday, December 23, 2010

Critical Appraisal on Patient Experiences


Aside from heart attack or a sudden accident, cancer is another disease that causes the deaths among the people. Cancer is a kind of disease that scattered in human body, as referred to the cells. The factors that might contribute to its growth are namely radiation, heredity or family structure and accumulation of waste. The busy and pressurized life in the city makes the people, almost half of the population had a potential of acquiring one of the deadly diseases. And sadly, people only discovered their disease when it finally reached the final stage.

Colon Cancer

Colon or large intestine is the portion of the digestive system inside the human body. The function of the colon is to extract the water and salt from the solid wastes before eliminating from the body. Bacteria occur upon the process and the human body has a natural protection against it. But for over the years, and all the wastes or bacteria accumulated inside the colon, the organ cannot perform its natural function. It’s beginning to weak until it reached to failure of its function until the medical professionals declared it as colon cancer.

Due to the recognition of a silent killer, many professionals developed tools to detect the potential growth of the cancer inside the body. It is advised that everybody should drink plenty of healthy fruit juice to cleanse the colon but when the symptoms appears, cleansing will never be enough. Through the help of the technology, people who show the sign of gastrointestinal problems can be now examined (Bren, 2005).


Colonoscopy is a procedure performed by the endoscopist together with a long thin flexible tube that provides light source to illuminate the images inside the colon and being monitored through a video screen. This process is offered for colon cancer screening which starts at the age of 50 and up. It is because; there are certain identified risks if the age group is too young. The patient will feel bloated because there is a presence of air that is being used to inflate the colon. There is also an anticipated mild cramping and it will take up to 24 hours to completely clear the effects of the sedatives.

Barium Enema

Barium enema is another test for the large intestine. Barium is a liquid or contrast material that is put into the colon where the X-ray camera can have the opportunity to take the images inside the body. The patient needs to rest because of the sedation. When the patient is already awake, he will feel a little stomach upset and the nurses will encourage him to drink plenty of water to avoid constipation. The barium enema and the technologist assure the patient that it is safe because there is no radiation remains after the examination (Alyson, 2005). Most of the patients are either worried about the examination, physical discomfort or taking the consideration of the good treatment of the nurses (Proctor and Frost, 2009).

CT Colonography

CT is a scanning tool that is not painful medical test and helps the physicians diagnose and treat the patients according to their medical conditions. It uses X-ray equipment to produce multiple images inside the human body joined with a computer to closely examine the various area of the colon. Majority of the patients took the CT Colonography experienced the feeling of being inflated during the examination, and therefore, they need to get pass on the gas inside their colon. There is a minimal percent of the patients who feel unease or pain and the attendants are well trained to help the patient manage and lessen the feeling of discomfort (ACR and RSNA, 2007).


Colonography is the best alternative for patients who do not wish to undergo colonoscopy, where there are minimal chances of risks involved in the process. The elderly patients, especially those who are frail or ill is advised to take the colonography instead of the colonoscopy. Moreover, colonography provides better viewing or clear images than the barium enema X-ray examination. The use of sedatives and other pain relievers are not needed and there is no requirement for the recovery period and the patient will expect no side effects. The risks always involved the pregnant women where they are discourage to take the examination, for there might be any potential side effects on the baby. An accurate diagnosis of the medical professional can eliminate the possibilities or chances of cancer through radiation, and still advises the patient to weigh their decision well.

The limitations of colonography are based on the physical attribute of the person. If he or she is very obese, it is obviously that his body may not fit in the conventional CT unit. Colonography is strictly a diagnostic procedure that is why the analyst may take time in providing the answers.


ACR & RSNA, 2007. Computed Tomography (CT) Colonography, American College of Radiology (ACR) and Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). Radiology Info. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Dec 2009].

Alyson, B., 2005. What is Barium Enema/Lower GI Series? Virginia Radiology Associates. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Dec 2009].

Barium Enema. Patient/Family Education. Children’s Hospitals and Clinics of Minnesota. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Dec 2009].

Bren, L., 2005. Incredible Journey through the Digestive System. FDA Consumer, Vol. 39, No. 2.

Patient Discussions: Colonoscopy – Describe Your Experience. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Dec 2009].

Proctor, R., & Frost, R., 2009. barium Enema: How Was it for You? Measuring our Patient’s Experience. RAD Magazine, Vol. 35, No. 414, p. 15.

What is Colonoscopy? [Online] Available at: [Accessed 22 Dec 2009].

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