Today is

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Drugs Should Not Be Legalized

If drugs were granted legalization, there will be a whole new set of laws. The restriction acts and laws that were proposed before will turn to nothing, because its legalization is a threat that the worst is yet to come. If drugs are legalized, there will be a new set of problems (Johnson, 2000). Drugs can be the main cause of health failure of the entire nation if the legalization is being deployed.

The people need to make drugs controlled substances just like alcohol. The government should regulate them and imposed authoritative action against it. It is best for the future of the children. In today’s’ generation, it is good that the kids understand that illegal drugs are different from prescribed drugs. Otherwise, these children will take illegal drugs without the knowledge of its consequences and be a delinquent when they reach adolescence. Unlike alcohol and cigarette, the control of drugs should be doubled.

The war on drugs is thousands of miles long, but it’s only about a quarter-inch deep. Drugs are bad and the need to stop its entering by locking up the entire country is difficult (Johnson, 2000).

The U.S. Against Legalization of Drugs

There are top ten reasons why the United States did not turn their backs in fighting the drugs and resists on the full influence of it (DEA, 2003).

1. The government and its people made a significant progress in fighting drug use and drug trafficking. And for them, it is not the time to abandon and waste all their efforts.

2. The balance approach of prevention, enforcement, and treatments are the discovered key in fight against drug. All three aspects are crucial but with the cooperation of all the Drug treatment facilities, it is not impossible to be the standard approach.

3. The kids know the truth behind the drugs, and therefore, the adults should understand it better. It is simply about the fact that illegal drugs are illegal because they are harmful.

4. Smoked marijuana is not scientifically approved medicine. But Marinol, the legal version of medical marijuana, is approved by science. It is because, the drugs had been examine under the supervision of Food and Drug Administration, but people can’t buy it anywhere without proper prescription.

5. The drug control spending is a minor portion of the U.S. budget. Compared to the social costs of drug abuse and addiction, government spending on drug control is minimal. The United States has wasted billions of dollars in its anti-drug efforts and seeks for progress, and it’s not worth to make the war stop where the people are seeing the future to win against it.

6. The fact that the legalization of drugs will lead to increased use and increased level of addiction. The legalization has been tried before, and failed miserably. The host country is Alaska in 1970’s that led to using drugs more than twice in most of the teens. This failure led to re-criminalize marijuana in 1990.

7. The crime, violence, and drug use go hand-in-hand because of the influence of drugs.

8. Alcohol has caused significant health, social, and crime problems in this country, and legalized drugs would only make the situation worse.

9. The other countries that successfully legalized the use of drugs, like in Europe’s liberal drug policies are not the right model for America.

10. And the most non-violent drug users get treatment, not in jail. It is because of the plea-bargained down the major trafficking offences or more violent drug crimes.

The possibility of legalizing drugs continues to rise. If people positively response to this action, many would become addicted because of its availability. Drugs exact an enormous toll on society. The jails are jammed with drug offenders, the morgues are filled with males killed in drug wars, and the courts with backlogs of drug cases (Reed, 1996).

The more threatening is the high rates of violent robbery just to satisfy the need of addicts to buy drugs. Drugs can destroy lives, as alcohol can.

The Effects of Drug Legalization

Some thought that the legalization might suspect that it is a convenient way to keep troublesome minorities doped up while eliminating crime. Legalization might take enough pressure off susceptible populations to allow underlying problems (Reed, 1996).

If the drug traffic didn’t provide such a lucrative temptation to the enterprising, schools and real jobs might look a lot more attractive.

Works Cited:

DEA, 2003. Speaking Out Against Drug Legalization. Drug Enforcement Administration. U.S. Department of Justice. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 23 October 2009].

Johnson, G., 2000. The Case for Drug Legalization: We Need to Make Drugs a Controlled Substance Just like Alcohol. World and I Magazine, Vol. 15, No. 2.

Reed, F., 1996. Legalization of Some Drugs Is Worth a Try. The Washington Times, 26 April.

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