Today is

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Overcoming Adversity

Life, as they say, is not life if you did not endure hardship. It’s natural for a person to encounter some troubles as he goes on in this path of life. Some people take the problems they meet as a challenge which is can give him lessons at the end.

When a person encountered this moment in his life, he analyze each event that happened. From that point, he identified the various factors that might conspire to attack him like a traitor. But then, he will recognized the action he made from the past and being thrilled that the problems that came are all came from him.

For example, a student is aware that there is an upcoming examination in one of his subjects. But instead of having a study and review the coverage of the exam, he chose to wind up and tag along with his friends. And now, that the day had finally arrive, this same student felt like a judgment day, though at some pint it is really a judgment in the side of the teachers to determine who among his students really deserves an “A”.

He did not take a chance to study from their past lessons and neglect his responsibility of being a student. But wait, his mind formulated an idea that is popular among the students, cheating. The only thing that this student must have is too things, the guts to do cheating and the excellent combination of his 20/20 vision eyesight together with a fast hand. And presto, he had a completed answered paper. Amazing as it seems but it feels bad to the person who spends time in studying hard.

The teachers are fully aware about this illegal way of the students. Sometimes they let this event come to pass because they also experienced to do cheating before.

The only wrong move that this student forgot to remind his own mind is about the teacher’s presence. Teachers are also cheaters, try to shuffle the words. Teachers are excellent in hooking up the students who they think are not taking enough effort to study their subject. And this is the reason why teachers cannot be easily fooled.

The teacher’s revenge is hard to swallow and arises in different options. They sometimes shred the cheaters paper in front of the class or giving an automatic grade of “F”, with a good luck words “like see you next year”. But not all teachers are bad that sometimes, the students tend to curse them. There are teachers that giving the cheater another chance by answering a unique questionnaires to see if the student really understands the subject.

But why this student chose to cheat than studying. There are many reasons with regards to this, it includes the peers that have hobbies, or the conflict between the part-time working and schooling, which is evidently in the side of the working students.

This is a simple example of adversity in a student’s life. The tendency is to blame everything, the circumstances, and the related persons involved. In blaming, it also means giving up the responsibilities to create the more pleasant results. Sometimes when a person faced in the situation that is new to him he loses focus and the clear vision of the results a person truly wants.

There are many self-help books that are trying to answer the adversity problems and many psychological advices that really work. The thing that the advices really points out is the responsibility and possibilities that may assume if a person neglects the possibilities.

The questions that can ask to know the possible outcomes can only be answered by the person involved. The questions that may arise are the following:

1. Do you really want this result? If not, are you willing to work for it?

2. What are the skills, talents, contacts, assets, and other resources do you need that will work in your favor? or if there’s anything that you are lacking of?

3. What actions can you do to get started, and to make it happen?

Don’t blame the other people in your miseries because they are not the only person that is responsible in managing your life. Every actions starts with you. Every outcome will be directed on you. And you will be the one who suffers in any consequences that may result in the actions that you will do.

The school is the place where nurtures hardship. It is a basic challenge for the student to be responsible enough in handling the adversity. Of course, there are many uncertainties in life that are not always turns on the way you like it. No one can dictate the outcomes that will happen because every event happens in every single action that we do. The triumph that everyone is looking is always right in front of their eyes; it’s just blurred because of the options that are available.


Elkin, B., (n.d.). Resilience: Success Mean Overcoming Adversity. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 27 August 2009].

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