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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Knowledge on Asthmatic Treatment

1.0 Introduction

As identified by the clinical professionals, asthma is the most common type of chronic respiratory disorder in all age groups. The frequency, morbidity and mortality are increasing despite of all the efforts in advancing the treatments. The main research problem that concerns with the asthma patients is the morbidity and mortality in the population. It is because of the poor knowledge about the illness and the appropriate use of medication.

1.1 Research Objectives

The research study is fueled by the two objectives which is entirely focused on the knowledge of an asthmatic and his family members about the respiratory problem.

(1) To reduce the asthma morbidity and mortality by focusing on the patient’s knowledge regarding the respiratory problem.

(2) To introduce the proper managerial techniques in handling asthmatic patients and even the self-management among the people with asthmatic problem.

1.2 Research Questions

These are the questionnaires for the asthmatic patients where the researchers can measure the knowledge of the patient towards the respiratory illness.

(1) Is asthma an inflammatory disease of the airways?

(2) Is asthma a contagious or hereditary disease?

(3) Does inflammation of asthma causes constriction in the airways?

(4) Is coughing, wheezing, dyspnea, chest tightness are symptoms of asthma?

(5) Do aspirins and other antihypertensive drugs causes’ asthma?

(6) Is the medication takes the entire life of the patient?

(7) Can continuous medications control the asthma?

(8) Are inhalers are the most effective way to deliver the treatment?

(9) Are there any harmful effects, such as addictions?

(10) Can an asthmatic patient be involved in any sports?

2.0 Literature Review

More than half of the population of the world are either asthmatic patients or has a potential to become an asthmatic patient. Asthma, as explained by the medicinal community, is an inflammatory disease of the airways which is common among children. The hereditary and environmental factors are involved in the occurrence of the inflammation. Coughing, Wheezing, dyspnea, and chest pain appears in asthmatic patients. Some factors, such as smoking, infections or allergies, aspirin, antihypertensive and other rheumatism drugs can help the asthma symptoms being facilitated. Moreover, asthma cannot be treated continuously throughout the patients’ life. But if it is treated continuously, asthma has more potential to be controlled, but if not, asthma can be considered as a life threatening disease. Above the prescribed treatment on asthma, the use of inhaler is the most effective way to treat it. Usually, the effects of inhaled drugs quickly disappear and there are no harmful side effects. In addition, an asthmatic patient is encouraged to take a moderate exercises.


The questionnaires are distributed to the asthmatic patients and to they’re partners. After answering, the facilitator will immediately scores the questionnaires and informs to the individuals the right answer on his questions. It is expected that after a day or two, a quick review on the questionnaires will establish to identify who among the patients and family members gathered the appropriate knowledge toward the sickness.

Sample Population

Asthmatic patients that use the hospital emergency departments are the considered people that have a poor knowledge about the respiratory illness and management techniques. Part of it is the poor understanding on the process and appropriate medication. In addition, the non-compliance of the patients with prescribed medication is another problem involved in the morbidity and mortality of asthmatic patients.


It is expected that an asthmatic is aware about his disease and his family does not fail to support the patient toward his fight against the respiratory problem. There are guidelines available for the patient to help them improve their self-management towards their respiratory problem. With the proper use of the inhaler and the continuous medication, the patient will feel the benefits. A good education can help every individual open the awareness towards the applicable medication, although there are still many considerations that were needed to clarify, the patient’s basic knowledge about asthma is a greatest advantage to control it. The asthma education will leave a great impact toward the lifestyle and medication techniques of the patient. The focus of knowledge in patients will leads to the creation of different strategies and therefore, achieves positive changes.

Works Consulted:

Demuralay, R., 2004. Clinical Investigation: The Effects of Asthma Education on Knowledge, Behavior and Morbidity in Asthmatic Patients. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec 2009].

Ezratty, V., et al., 2007. Effect of Formaldehyde on Asthmatic Response to Inhaled Allergen Challenge. Environmental Health Perspectives, Vol. 115, No. 2

Lim, J., Wood, B., & Cheah, P., 2009. Understanding Children with Asthma: Trouble and Triggers. Childhood Education, Vol. 85, No. 5.

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