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Monday, August 1, 2011

Child Abuse


Child abuse has been the most intriguing issue in most of the third world countries. The primary individual who receives more trauma, humiliation and stigma is the child. Abuse is not a good way to support the growth and development of the children. It is not also supported by the people namely social workers because of the negative effects that it may bring to the children which might reflect in their future self. Moreover, there are programs and organization that promotes the activities against the child abuse.

Background and Problem Statement

Child abuse is not only defined as the physical mistreatment or sexual aggressiveness, but also involved the child’s feeling of being neglected, emotional deprivation, and other forms of mistreatment which may appear unusual to the norms in the society. All of the actions that are defined against to the rights of children are common manifestations of abuse. However, all of the actions of the guardian over their children are not freely admitted as an evidence of abuse because of the idea of being a responsible parent. This same idea is intertwined in the implications of abuse and misinterpreted on what is the true face of abuse. Therefore, what is the true meaning of child abuse that mistakenly took by most of the parents or guardians and even teachers?

Research Aim and Objectives

The main aim of the study is to identify the child abuse based on the views of the experts, parents, and even on children. In order to achieve this very same aim, there are three objectives that should be satisfied. First is to identify the characteristics of child abuse. Second is to differentiate the meaning of abuse against the neglecting. And third is to recognize the associated consequences of abuse on children.

Literature Review

The child abuse may range in physical (involves shaking, hitting, beating, burning, or biting a child), emotional (involves blaming or putting down a child, yelling, or shaming), sexual (incest in sexual activity, exposure to sexual stimulation which is not appropriate for the child’s age), and neglect (failure to attend the needs of a child). However, everyone can stop the child abuse. The parents who are under the stress might be the first people to show abuse on their children. With the child abuse, the child’s care, education, relationship, and safety are in peril. The consequences on children with the abusive environment, often the children are expected to behave like an adult. If the children failed to perform on the expectation of the parents, the children are often subject to punish just to control them. Apparently, the abusive parents have no idea on the right ways to teach the right behavior for their child. Moreover, the parents and caretakers abuse the children as the one responsible for their anger and disappointments. On the other hand, the children received the feeling that they have no value and can lead to anger and/or depressed. Child abuse and neglect is a pervasive problem, it usually involves the feelings of anxiety.

In most of the schools, the educators' have the greatest fears in dealing with child abuse and neglect cases In this case, the educators have legal responsibility to report cases of abuse and neglect but needs to weight the consequences that it might bring. Most of the ethical dilemmas are the involvement of a simple question that might answered by "right" or "wrong" regarding the child abuse. However, physical child abuse is often defined differently across studies. But from the previous years, the child abuse recorded with high prevalence rates. Moreover, the cases are found to inside the household and present in every families. Just by simple gestures like the pushes, slaps, and spanking the child, there is an abuse. The social workers and legal counsels are more concern on the indication of physical harm on children most especially if the cause is not accidental but intentional. On the other side, the neglecting action or failure of the parents to attend the needs of the children may arise on the number of reasons such as their socio-economic status.


The suggested method in the study is through the use of secondary information. The materials that can be used ma range from the qualitative reports and data gathered from the population who shows the sign of child abuse. The case studies, social work report, and other information that will focus on the issue of child abuse are good sources of information that can help to complete the study. The obtained information will be organized in a comprehensive way.


Bryant, J., & Milsom, A., (2005) Child Abuse Reporting by School Counselors, Professional School Counseling, Vol. 9.

Jouriles, E.N., McDonald, R., Smith Slep, A.M., Heyman, R.E., & Garrido, E., (2008) Child Abuse in the Context of Domestic Violence: Prevalence, Explanations, and Practice Implications, Violence and Victims, 23(2)

Lambie, G.W., (2005) Child Abuse and Neglect: a Practical Guide for Professional School Counselors, Professional School Counseling, 8(3)

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