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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Antisocial Behavior


There are many studies conducted for over the years that the youth are involved in some problems such as having an antisocial behavior and it is alarmingly increasing when the teenagers are involved in low-structured activities and avoid the high structured activities. Different structured activities always involved a social complexity and peer cooperation, which is sometimes with the support of family members and guidance from the adults.

The adolescents tend to involve in low structured activities together with their peers who they think understands their feelings except for their parents. In this scenario, there are more chances that the adolescents being involved in risk decisions and other behavioral factors. They sometimes commit to do the wrong thing although they know what is right. Through the in depth analysis of the new generation’s behavior, there are less risk when a teenager is attached to the school, have a strong and close relationship with his parents, and use his time wisely through participation in different skill practice such as art or music. Having a good friend is another great influence that can direct a youth towards the positive side of life. The approach to deliver the child or any adolescent in better future is through employing the prevention, intervention, and social support initiatives which is duly guided by most of the parents (Mancini and Huebner, 2004).

Intervention and Prevention Strategies

According to the past studies, the antisocial behaviors of an individual are the start or considered as a factor involved in theories of violence. Most of the individuals who are antisocial as adolescent or adults have had the same behavior in their early childhood. Another study states that antisocial behavior is visible in children with neuropsychological problems and having undesirable environment can affect their development (Ugueto, 2005). These factors can establish the antisocial character of an individual which shows continuity over the age (Moffitt, 1993).

Therefore, there are many programs or strategies that attempt to prevent the child from breathing too much antisocial behavior (Ugeuto, 2005). The professionals proposed that an effective way to decrease the stress the children feel is to increase the strategies in promoting the bonding or attachment of the parents to their child. Parents are the one responsible in raising their child and help in building better future (Maldonado, 2009). They should increase the bonding such as having a picnic or a simple in-house family party where the children can tell them e all problems. In addition, the parents should refrain from physical discipline as part of their parenting style.

The primary intervention means doing things to keep problems from emerging. School is the best facility to provide this kind of means (Walker, 1998). In schools, whenever the child feels any difficulties, the teachers should participate and get involved in the development of the child. Teachers or educators should assist the students having trouble with their academics. Furthermore, the school authorities should improve the school facilities to be conducive in teaching and learning (Maldonado, 2009). In fact, parents’ participation is also expected to be part in any school activities where they can praise their children in the good job they did at school. Together, parents and teachers can monitor the behavior of the child in everything he does.

The higher community involvement of the child plays an important factor of the child toward the social community. The social control of the children is important especially when they finally reached the adult stage. The prevention is also applied in those students that needs outside support which at some point shows risk status. The management programs and tutorials, or special designed teaching is part of the prevention strategies for children (Walker, 1998). Tutorial, social sports and other legitimate activities can divert the attention of the children in doing aggressive behaviors. This is considered as a legal activity that focuses on enhancing or improving the behavior of the child (Maldonado, 2009).

Everyone is involved in helping the children to gain his owns self confidence and they should learn to socialize. The support of the parents is the highly need approach in making the children more involved in social activities (Walker, 1998). The parents, teachers, good set of friends, and social activities are the basic necessities to achieve the changes of an adolescent. Furthermore, the willingness of the children to be involved in any social is the best trigger to start the changes in is behavior.

Being an anti social, for some studies, is the great in an individual to commit crime. Nobody wants to be recognize as a criminal and therefore, the child should be aware, even in his young age what is right and what is wrong, what is best and what is worst. Because all of the decisions this child will make will reflect in his future self and nobody can manage to change him if from the start, he doesn’t want to be change. It is in the matter of time where this child will soon realize all the things involved in his decisions.


Maldonado, M., 2009. Delinquent Behavior in Young People. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec 2009].

Mancini, J., & Huebner, A., 2004. Adolescent Risk Behavior Patterns: Effects of Structured Time-Use, Interpersonal Connections, Self-System Characteristics, and Socio-Demographic Influences. Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal, Vol. 21, No. 6. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec 2009].

Moffitt, T., 1993. Adolescence-Limited and Life-Course-Persistent Antisocial Behavior: A Developmental Taxonomy. Psychological Review, Vol. 100. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec 2009].

Ugueto, A., 2005. Psychopathy in Delinquent Girls: An Examination of Factor Structure Dissertation. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 21 Dec 2009].

Walker, H., 1998. First Steps to Prevent Antisocial Behavior, Teaching Exceptional Children – March/April 1998, 30(4).

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