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Monday, December 20, 2010


Mustafa Kemal Atatürk was a very important leader both for Turkey and the world. When we look at what he has done for his country, we can easily see that Kemal Atatürk was very brave, clever, foresighted and peace-loving person. Similarly, he was the establisher of the Turkish Republic and the first president of Turkey.

He was born in Selonika in 1881. His parents, Zübeyde and Ali Rıza, married in 1817. Zübeyde was coming from a Turkish family who had settled in a small town near Selonika and, similarly, Ali Rıza worked as a militia officer in Selonika. Mustafa Kemal’s five siblings lost their lives in their early ages. Only his sister, Makbule lived more.

When Mustafa Kemal reached his school age, he went to a school which was called Hafız Mehmet Efendi School. However, a few years later with his father’s wish he changed his school and continued his education in a school which was called Şemsi Efendi School. In 1888 he lost his father and moved with his family to his uncle’s farm. After he stayed there for awhile, he came back to Selonika and finished his middle school education. Then, he attended to the military Rüştiye School. In every school, he went; he was separated from most of other students via his cleverness. Similarly, in the military school, his math teacher gave Mustafa the name of Kemal. Since the teacher’s name was also Mustafa, he wanted Mustafa Kemal to be different. That is why he gave him the name of Kemal.

Subsequently, he attended another military school, Manastır Military School and transferred to another military school in Istanbul. Then, in 1902 he graduated from that school with rank of lieutenant. Later on, he entered a Military Academy and finished that school in 1905 with the rank of major. After that day, he joined some wars such as Balkan War, Tobruk Battle, First World War and Gallipoli etc. with the Ottoman army. He became very successful especially during the First World War in Gallipoli and Eastern Anatolia frontages.

After the First War, since Ottoman Empire lost the war, its lands were taken over by 7 different countries and the Turkish folk were in very hard conditions. Also, the Ottoman ruler refused to battle against the enemies (In fact he was also in very hard situations.) and surrendered. At that time, the country was hopeless. Nevertheless, Atatürk believed the strength and patriotism of Turkish folk and decided to organize the Turkish people and battle against the enemies. He has done what really he should do and did the leadership of the folk and rescued the country. Consequently, he has founded the new modern Turkish Republic.

When he has founded the Turkish republic, in the western part of Turkey there was still Greek army. Until the Greek army was defeated, the Turkish army did very successful work with the leadership of Atatürk. After these successful battles Atatürk was given the rank of marshal by the new Turkish National Assembly.

After all of the enemies left Turkey, Atatürk was chosen as the first president of Turkey. He was the president until his death. During this short time, Atatürk made many reforms to reach his best wish, raise Turkey to the level of modern civilization. He made some reforms such as political, economic, legal, social and educational reforms.

In a very short time, he developed Turkey very much. In other words, he resuscitated the death. However, unfortunately in his 57th age (in 1938) he lost his life and was buried to Anıtkabir.

Nowadays, still he is remembered all around the world and a good example for everyone both as a president, a country hero, a soldier and of course an indulgent and peace loving human.

“* Our great ideal is to raise our nation to the highest standard of civilization and prosperity.” (It shows his love and thrust to his country and his aim for his country)

* One day my mortal body will turn to dust, but the Turkish Republic will stand forever. (It shows his patriotism and he is ready to sacrifice himself for his country.)

* Gentlemen, you may become a member of the National Assembly, a Minister of State or even the President of the Republic, you may never 'become' a creative artist.” (Shows how much he gives importance to the arts.)

* Peace at home, peace in the world. (His peace-loving)

* Science is the only true leader in life. (He thinks science is very important for the improving of countries)

* Teachers; new generation will be your legacy. (Education is important, he thinks)

* Power belongs to the nation. (He believes the power of the nation and thinks republic is the best way to manage the countries.)

* Never be afraid of telling the truth. (he thinks saying the truth is very important.)

* A healthy mind, in a healthy body. (he gives importance to sports and sportsmen.)

* Turk; be proud, work and have self confidence.” (he was also a nationalist person)

(These sayings are totally taken from the site that is


Nelson Mandela was another big and important leader both for South Africa and the world. Especially, his great efforts to stop racism against black people affected all of the people and made black and white people equal in South Africa.

Nelson Mandela was born on 18 July 1918 at small place that is called Qunu near Umtata. His father, H.Mgadla Mandela worked as the chief councillor for another chief, David Dalindyebo, when Nelson was born. His first school was a boarding school at Healtown Methodist. Then, he was accepted to Fort Hare University College. In this school he joined some political events and because of them he was taken away from the university. In 1942 he graduated from the university as the first black solicitor in South Africa. Then, he joined ANC(African National Congress) which worked to stop racism against black people. Four years later, he was chosen as the head of the youth unity of ANC. Also, in 1961 he founded Sizwe (MK) which was the military wing of ANC and became the chief of it.

After that year, he went abroad with his friends to find support from the other countries to stop racism. However, when they turned back, he was arrested with his friends with the justification of making sabotages and assassination attempts. He was given the punishment of life sentence by the government which was occurred from only white people.

After he stayed twenty seven years in the prison in 1990, he was set free by the new president De Klerk. When he was released from the prison, he was 71 years old. Then, besides his old age, he was selected as the new State President of South Africa and he continued to work for the new democratically South Africa and of course to stop the racism. Within 40 years, he won more then hundred prizes due to his great effort to stop racism and finally in 1993, he won the Nobel Peace Prize with De Klerk.

In 1999 he retired from State President and moved to his town Qunu. Now, he still lives there.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”
Nelson Mandela (he thinks education is very important just like Atatürk.)

“There is no such thing as part freedom.”
Nelson Mandela (he is liberalistic person and thinks he can not live without his freedom.)

“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.”
Nelson Mandela (Like Atatürk he also give importance to the freedom of the other countries.)

“I detest racialism, because I regard it as a barbaric thing, whether it comes from a black man or a white man.”
Nelson Mandela (His biggest aim was to stop racism.)

“In my country we go to prison first and then become President.”
Nelson Mandela (In an ironic way he criticizes his country.)

“Let there be work, bread, water and salt for all.”
Nelson Mandela (he is also a populist and thinks that the life standards for every people should be better.)

(This quates are directly taken from the site that are and


Mandela: Hi, Mr. Atatürk.

Atatürk: Hello, Mr. Mandela. Welcome to Turkey. How are you? How is your life?

Mandela: I am fine. After I retired, I moved to my hometown and live in a small and peaceful city. I would like to invite you there.

Atatürk: I would like so much to come, however you know the work of the country never finishes. Anyhow, how is South Africa? Is there still racism there?

Mandela: Thank God, racism finished. Nowadays, all white and black people live together in peace.

Atatürk: That made me glad. I hope every country will be like South Africa. However, nowadays this dream seems impossible to occur. The world is going bad. There is war everywhere.

Mandela: Yes unfortunately. That makes me afraid, too. How about your life?

Atatürk: My life is good, but I am concerned for Turkey. Many problems are present in Turkey nowadays.

Mandela: I heard Turkey is going to elect its new president. Who is your favorite nominee?

Atatürk: I do not have favorite nominees. I think it would be against democracy, because you know if I would say my favorite nominee is person A, then the person A’s chance would increase. I do not care about the names so much, but I think the important thing is the president should work for Turkey and the folk’s benefits.

Mandela: Yes, sir; you are right. That is the most important thing. However, you said problems; what is the biggest problem in Turkey you think?

Atatürk: Mmmm… Kurdish issue and economical problems are the biggest ones.

Mandela: Yes, I heard about Kurdish issue so much.

Atatürk: Even in the Ottoman Empire, there were similar problems with Kurdish people. I think to understand and solve the problem we ought to examine the problem’s beginning.

Mandela: Yes, you are right. I heard that the firstly Kurdish issue occurred during 1800’s.

Atatürk: Yes, the first Kurdish rebellion occurred in 1834. It was against Ottoman Empire. Actually, this problem might have solved easily. However, at that time the sultan of the state did not investigate the real reasons of the rebellion. He just quashed it and destroyed some of the Kurdish principality.

Mandela: So, the events continued, right?

Atatürk: Exactly, Unfortunately, the events did not finish after that rebellion. In 1834, a person who is called Bedir Han rioted. Subsequently, in 1897 another revolt, Ubeydullah revolt, occurred. They were also quashed by the military easily; however no one has ever looked for their real reasons. That is why this both important and dangerous issue could not be solved.

Mandela: The rebellions continued after the Turkish Republic has founded, right?

Atatürk: Yes, Kurdish revolts continued even during both the Independent War time and the new Turkish Republic age. While Turkish folk was struggling with the Independent War, some Kurdish nationalist associations have founded. Firstly, due to these nationalist associations Ali Batı, Şeyh Eşref and Koçkiri revolts occurred. Then, one of the biggest rebels, Şeyh Said rebel, came out. After all of these bad events, rebellions continued and finally during 1980’s PKK were founded by Kurdish groups with the helps of some foreign countries.

Mandela: Their population is also increasing very quickly, as I heard…

Atatürk: I am sorry. I interrupt you. However, at that point I have an interesting fact that I want to share with you.

Mandela: Interesting fact? I am listening to you with wondering.

Atatürk: Nowadays, about half of the Kurdish population lives in Turkey. Even though some of them do not identify themselves as Kurdish, according to surveys Kurdish population is increasing very quickly and according to some predictions Kurdish population will be more than Turkish fifteen or twenty years later.

Mandela: More than Turkish? It means their population is increasing very quickly.

Atatürk: Yes, during the Ottoman Empire time most of the Kurdish people lived in the Eastern parts of Anatolia, however now they are spread to all over Turkey and constitute a big menace to the unity of Turkish Republic. Turkish military lost many soldiers due to the battle against PKK.

Mandela: Yes, but at that point, I have something to say. Like you, I totally disagree with Kurdish revolts; however, what I noticed when I visited Turkey were most of the Turkish people are prejudiced about Kurdish people. I think it is very wrong. Okay, there might be some Kurdish terrorist groups, however it does not mean every Kurdish person is same.

Atatürk: I agree with you. This prejudice is also should be stopped. I think every person who feels itself as Turkish is Turkish. It is the important thing. None of us are hundred percent Turkish. So, what does that mean? No one is Turkish? No, all of us are Turkish and we have to live together as brothers.

Mandela: How do you think this problem can be solved?

Atatürk: Even though it is very hard to solve this problem, I think there are some solutions. The easiest way is make Kurdish people think that they are same with the ones who introduce themselves as Turkish.

Mandela: That is exactly what I think. You can only solve this problem by using religion or the feeling that everybody in Turkey as you said is Turkish. Look, why do these people revolt; because they feel themselves as different. Similarly, to stop their rebellions you ought to make them feel same with Turkish people or you just kill all of them. I hope you are going to kill all of them.

Atatürk: Of course, we are not. However, I think it would be very hard to make Kurdish people see themselves as Turkish.

Mandela: So, I think religion can be used. Aren’t the most of the Kurdish people Muslims?

Atatürk: There are Christians and Jews also, but most of them are Muslim.

Mandela: So, religion can be used to solve this problem. As you said it might be hard to make them accept that they are Turkish. Nevertheless, if you are able to think them as Muslims and since most of the Turkish are Muslim, too; they may stop rebelling. You know a Muslim never kills his brothers.

Atatürk: Yes, you are right. Actually, I had another idea previously. I made some Kurdish family move to the other parts of Turkey. So, they would be mixed with others in forty or fifty years. However, their population is increasing very quickly.

Mandela: I see. Do you think any other countries provoke them?

Atatürk: Unfortunately, yes. I can not say these countries’ names, but nowadays due to wrong politics Turkey is trying to join these countries and they are using Turkey for their benefits.

Mandela: Of course, countries can not be managed well always. The Turkish Government has to work much to solve this problem also. Anyhow, that is not our topic now. So, did we agree on something?

Atatürk: Sure, as we both said besides the fact that it is very hard to solve the Kurdish issue, there are some solutions and the best solution is spreading the thought of being not different than the Turkish people and living as brothers together.

Mandela: Yes, sir. We agreed on that solution. I hope Turkey will solve this problem. That is enough talking sir. I have to go.

Atatürk: Thank you for your coming Mr. Mandela.

Mandela: I was glad to talk to you Mr. Atatürk. Next time I will be waiting for you. Promise me, you will be my guest.

Atatürk: OK! I promise. See you. Have a nice voyage.

Mandela: Thank you.





“Atatürk’ün Yaşamı, Uğur İğdemir”

“Long Walk to Freedom, Nelson Mandela

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